Creating My Teeth Whitening Business

Janya Thompson
3 min readMar 1, 2021

Creating a business is not so easy but yet has so many exciting things to come across! Although there has been times where I have wanted to give up, I always chose to move forward. Keeping a positive mindset and dedication is they key to a successful business.

Starting November of 2020 I decided that I wanted to provide a service but i was unsure what exactly I wanted. I knew I wanted to provide a service that was different and many people lacked. I did not want to create a service that was popular either and that's when Teeth Whitening came along. I often doubted myself and thought that maybe this would not be a successful service. I starting doing more research and looked into taking a class to become a certified teeth whitening specialist.

January 2021 I invested into taking my class to become a certified Teeth Whitening Specialist. During this class I learned detailed information about Teeth and the whitening process. The lady that taught me was very helpful and taught me everything that I needed to know. During this class I was also able to correctly practice teeth whitening on a actual client! She provided me with all materials that are included in the session as well as a LED light. After the class was finished I received my certificate of completing my course to become a certified Teeth Whitening Specialist.

After I completed my course I was able to start building my work room where I will be accepting my clients. It took me about two weeks to have all of my furniture and decorations. More materials needed to be ordered so I would have enough for clients.

After receiving all of my materials I then began working on my website and business name. I named it Angelic Smilez. I created my website as well my social medias and booking site. I finally launched my business Febuary 23 and it has been nothing but the best! I have a huge support system behind me as well as a lot of ways to get my business out to the public.

When creating a business my advice would be do not get discouraged keep all positivity and support around you. Support really does go a long way when trying to promote a business and get it out for others so that your clientele will continue to grow. This is just the beginning of my journey and I am excited to see what my hard work shows. My instagram page is @angelic.smilez . Go support self owned business!

